Physical benefits:

The stone is excellent for all rheumatism and joint problems, good inflammatory.
It treats sprains, fractures, bruises, and internal pain. Cleans and tones the liver.
Recommend to calm menstrual cramps, helps improve heart disease.
It promotes the pressure of the decrease of blood, calms the motion sickness and dizziness.
Also promotes the regeneration of your body, and a good delivery.

Psychic benefits:

Malachite promotes understanding of complex concepts, increases your observational skills, and increases your thirst for knowledge.

Emotions :

If emotions are stuck in your solar plexus, it helps you to free them and purify this space.
It inspires optimism and caring.
Wear it to ease your sorrows and your sorrows of love.
Because it reduces the inhibition, it helps you to feel more comfortable with your sexuality.
It develops your sense of beauty, sensuality.